Your $2,000+ Book Launch Day Bonus Package
In addition to over $3,500 worth of bonuses in the book, the authors put together the following $2,000+ Bonus Package for everyone who download their FREE Kindle copy of the book on Thursday, September 5th!
If that was you, here is what you got:
Steve Sipress
Marketing Mastermind Webinar — $997 Value
You’ll get two Hours of in-depth, personal help from Steve
in 10 Key Areas of Direct Response Marketing, including:
- Crafting Your Unique Selling Proposition
- Creating Your Own Irresistible Offer
- Determining Your Ideal Target Market
- Positioning Yourself As The Obvious Choice
- and much, much more!
Jon Bockman
Marketing Piece Review — $394 Value
You’ll get a review of one marketing piece
plus a 1/2 hour phone consultation
Phil Brakefield
Phone Consultation — $200 Value
You’ll get a 15-minute phone consultation to review your best promotional
product choices or campaigns for the all-important 4th quarter sales period.
Mary Forte
Phone Consultation — $195 Value
Are you Looking for Better Profit Margins in your Retail Store?
Do You Want Loyal Customers who Refer your Store to Everyone they Know?
If you answered yes, then take advantage of this FREE phone consultation where Mary will discuss with you some innovative ways you can make your marketing more strategic and effective. In one single tip, learn the basics of a Winning Marketing Campaign — even if you are starting out with limited resources, time or money!
Greg Bowen
Phone Consultation — $97 Value
You’ll get a 15-minute phone consultation to create
a personalized action plan for a mold-free home.
John Senska
Phone Consultation — $197 Value
You’ll get a 30-minute phone consultation to help outline
a newsletter that people will enjoy receiving.
Russell Burck
eBook — $27 Value
You’ll get a copy of Russell’s eBook: “You’re Retiring–What Are You Going to Do Next?”